    Dealing with Depression

    Dealing with Depression 

    We live on this earth and we encounter various symptoms and obstacles and calamities that were not counted for, it has sometimes become frustrated, which is classified by social scientists as part of the nature of life, but depends on the strength of the personality of the individual and endurance and patience. These symptoms may be the result of the loss of a loved one, the failure of another, or the failure of something that was often planned. The problem so far is normal, but it becomes a real problem. We see him as someone who is isolated, sometimes uninterested and has nothing in his life.
    With the development of modern medicine, doctors stressed that treatment of depression is possible even if it is in the most severe cases, but if appropriate information in addition to specialized medical care and support from friends and family.

    Apart from medicine and treatment, I am not a specialist, but I will list some tips to deal with depression at all stages of the individual. I would also like to point out that recovery from depression should be in gradual and slow stages.

    1- Depression by nature makes you always think of negative thoughts and aspects. Try to lead your thoughts and think of all that is positive, even if it is simple and be better if you try to write it.

    2 - Try to make decisions and try to implement even if simple and easy, this procedure will greatly enhance the self-confidence lost by depression.

    3 - Add new phrases to the dictionary of words that you use in your life, this point will help you change your lifestyle and renew and try to revive those you encounter with a smile, even if it is manufactured.

    4 - Occupy yourself and kill free time and fill it with all that is new even do not leave to the things you know and practiced change is a cornerstone of treatment.

    5- Know that it may need something simple and simple work and recover from depression may be arranging your small room for example and fill the house with new flowers or fruitful work in your garden, leave the windows open in the morning to be interspersed with new air and sunlight that changes all the atmosphere and give light in the house.

    6 - Try to talk to a close friend that you trust him and complain to him touring your mind and make him familiar with all the details of your life and choose a suitable place to talk, for example, modern public or a place near the sea or other.

    7 - hide the depression as much as you can those around you that will support you in the treatment.

    8 - Try to find a place where you find tranquility and comfort, it may be a place of worship or other where you feel reassured.

    شارك المقال
    Mukhlis Ismail
    كاتب ومحرر اخبار اعمل في موقع Scientific and Cultural reports and news .

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