
Companies and their path to bankruptcy

    Companies and their path to bankruptcy
    Companies and their path to bankruptcy

    Companies and their path to bankruptcy

    Usually companies start their first steps when entering the world of finance, business and commercial exchanges with enthusiasm and passion and love of work and appearance and competition of giant companies, but soon dissipated this enthusiasm and passion after the first obstacle stands in the way of ambition, and this is the first quick blow to the start-up company to rebuild and develop the ideas and strategies proposed and survival And it is released in the labor market so as not to lose much from successive shocks.

    Similarly, if the company does not plan sufficiently to cross into other districts and work on its recovery through the reconstruction and restructuring of all its facilities, offices and factories, this will lead to entering the world of bankruptcy, which is the final blow in its life.

    The world's largest companies on the scene today have faced this fate.This Apple technology was in the last century on the verge of bankruptcy and deteriorated to declare it, but the methodological and serious strategic steps have lifted it from this dangerous turn in its fate and transferred to what we see today.

    What are the foundations and administrative methods to achieve the revival of the company that is going to bankruptcy?

    1- Restoring the trust of employees and gaining the trust of shareholders through concluding alliances, agreements and deals with other companies to give the company time to stand on its own feet first and then gain additional experience provided by other experts working in the same field.

    2 - Change the traditional methods of work and make radical changes aimed at reducing costs and the development of activities and procurement policy.

    3 - to provide a summary of work in a limited period of time and the need to adhere to the results, whatever they also include the collection of comprehensive information about the company and access to a clear understanding of its location.

    4 - thinking and implementation must be together and in varying proportions as required by the general interest of the company may be a high rate of thinking at some time, such as the proportion of implementation, which will be low, while in another period, the opposite is good bitumen and all this is due to the policy of the company and its CEO.

    You might think it is a simple suggestion and you might neglect it because it modifies something simple and we are on top of bankruptcy. The secret to success lies in the enjoyment of an open mind that contains the opinions of others and their suggestions and not to close on his views and thought. Without stubbornness and intransigence, it accepts the change in projects that are underway and which have not yet been implemented.

    Many institutions and professions that have closed and were unable to keep pace with the developments themselves refuse to make adjustments to their models and products without being aware that the problem is not in the product or in the origin of the project but in the limited vision and not to deal with the dynamic changes.

    Throughout the ages, there have been many companies and institutions as well as professions that have been buried by the dust of time. Recession and rejection of amendments and suggestions may cause further decline of the product and this stems from the limited vision and closed on ideas.
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